Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chocolate Makes Me Do Strange Things


Give me some and I will show you a different side of Anna.

In high school I went to a morning madrigal presentation with about 6 other students.
We went to IHOP for breakfast.

I ordered chocolate chip pancakes drizzled in chocolate sauce with a glass of chocolate milk...
and a side order of a chocolate sundae.

I ate every bit of those pancakes... and licked the chocolate sauce off the plate.
I drank my chocolate milk.

My chocolate sundae was missing.

I called out to the waiter.

She asked me if I really wanted it.

My chocolate sundae came out with a hesitant waitress. (I think she was worried for my health... and sanity, since I was ordering a chocolate sundae for breakfast).

I ate all my ice cream. YUM YUM in my TUM!

All of us made our way back to school. By this time, it was about 4th hour, which is the hour I had my choir class, La Camarata. For some reason I don't remember, I was hanging out in my teachers office for the whole hour while the class was watching a musical.

I couldn't stop laughing.

Everything was funny. Someone said "Ducky" to me, and I started laughing uncontrollably.

By the time the lunch bell rang, I was delirious.

I found a cane in the storage closet.

Someone else found me a top hat.

I started dancing and singing REALLY loud.

Now you have to understand, in public (school is public), I am usually very quiet and well mannered. All my teachers loved me because I never talked during class.

I was starting to scare a few people who thought they knew me. Most of them thought I was on something.

"Just chocolate!" I'd say.

After a few dance moves, I wasn't feeling so well.

I'd spend 2 minutes bent over the trash can thinking I was going to lose it... and then the next few minutes laughing and singing and dancing.

I had Seminary after lunch... I had Robson Cluff and Daniel Parker walk me to the building. I held on to both of them, mostly because I couldn't walk straight from laughing so hard.

To this day Robson runs away when I get close to chocolate.

Seminary didn't go so well. During the opening hymn I couldn't sing... because I was laughing.
During the opening prayer I couldn't stay still... I started snorting from trying to keep my laughter in.
The lesson... well you can imagine.

During this time, I still had my cane. I wouldn't let them take it away from me.

I went to Anatomy for 6th hour. Now this is the class that I was the quietest in. I had no close friends in this class.

I went to Anatomy with my cane and my laughter.

My science teacher looked very concerned.

"Just chocolate!" I told him. (I couldn't even form complete sentences.)
I started to calm down after a bit.

By the end of the day, the chocolate was starting to wear off. My friends were relieved to see that I was coming back to reality.

I returned the cane to the choir room and vowed it would stay there for the remainder of my life.

After school I went to the seminary building (where I would put on my roller blades and skate home).
One of the Seminary teachers was out there... He said "Hey! Looks like Anna is better!"

"...or not."

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